2021 Events
十月 THSH Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party
九月 Taiwan Coffee Tasting - THSH X Formosa Coffee X DUO
七月 Tâi Bí Jîn: Taiwanese, American, and everything in between
五月 台語的聲調
四月 What Is MBC2.0 All About?
三月 科技 & 社會創新: 與台灣數位政委唐鳳之對話
三月 關節炎等筋肉疾病的疼痛與困擾及治療,預防,與伸展運動
二月 因風雪取消
一月 烹飪教室
九月 Taiwan Coffee Tasting - THSH X Formosa Coffee X DUO
七月 Tâi Bí Jîn: Taiwanese, American, and everything in between
五月 台語的聲調
四月 What Is MBC2.0 All About?
三月 科技 & 社會創新: 與台灣數位政委唐鳳之對話
三月 關節炎等筋肉疾病的疼痛與困擾及治療,預防,與伸展運動
二月 因風雪取消
一月 烹飪教室
THSH Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party
Halloween is almost here, and it's time to get our spooky on. Join us for a pumpkin carving party! Come on out and carve your heart out with your family and friends!
Get tickets now: https://reurl.cc/Mk349v
* THSH will prepare the pumpkins and carving tools, it's included in your fee.
* In-person event, 30 seats available.
Hope everyone enjoyed carving the pumpkins and had a good time with friends and families!
Get tickets now: https://reurl.cc/Mk349v
* THSH will prepare the pumpkins and carving tools, it's included in your fee.
* In-person event, 30 seats available.
Hope everyone enjoyed carving the pumpkins and had a good time with friends and families!
Taiwan Coffee Tasting - THSH X Formosa Coffee X DUO
Ticket : https://reurl.cc/ZjQdZg
Event : https://fb.me/e/O8VEzvsQ
Come join the Taiwan Heritage Society of Houston (THSH) and DUO Coffee & Pilates to enjoy the coffee beans from Taiwan!
In this workshop, we will learn the history of coffee drinks as well as how to analyze coffee flavors. We are honored to collaborate with The Formosa Coffee, a New York based, Taiwanese-American owned roastery who source beans from the high mountains of Taiwan's Yunlin County. Participants of this event will enjoy an exclusive coupon for shopping The Formosa Coffee's online store.
Are you ready for some Sweet, velvety smooth, and naturally processed Taiwan coffee?
來喝台灣咖啡!台灣人傳統基金會這次和DUO合作,在休士頓舉辦我們第一次的咖啡課 。
課程中,你會學到咖啡的歷史,以及如和品嚐不同的咖啡風味。我們這次很榮幸,得到The Formosa Coffee贊助的台灣咖啡豆。他們是紐約起家、由台美人經營的咖啡店,進口、烘焙來自台灣雲林高山的咖啡豆。來參加這次活動的朋友,還可以獨家享有Formosa Coffee的線上折扣碼!
感謝 DUO Coffee & Pilates 的老闆Marcus熱情授課。活動中,我們認識了咖啡的歷史和風味的來源,也學習到不同手沖咖啡的方式:溫度、顆粒大小、沖泡時間、水的分量,對咖啡口味造成的影響。泡咖啡沒有標準答案,每個人都能找到對自己味的沖泡方式
這次咖啡課的最大亮點,就是由 The Formosa Coffee 提供的台灣咖啡豆。我還記得,沖泡過程中坐在前面的朋友一直發出「哇,也太香了吧」的讚嘆!大家也對如何購買台灣咖啡豆很感興趣。
▷ THSH IG:https://www.instagram.com/houstontaiwanese
▷ DUO Coffee & Pilates:https://www.duohouston.com
▷ The Formosa Coffee:https://www.theformosacoffee.com
We really appreciate everyone's participation in our Taiwan Coffee Tasting class. It's amazing to see all the tickets sold out for our first coffee event . Looks like Taiwan coffee is hard to resist!
Special thanks to Marcus, the owner of DUO Coffee & Pilates, who taught the class with such enthusiasm. In the class, we learned the history and flavor sources of coffee, as well as how different factors (temperature, grind size, extraction time, and water ratio) affect the flavor of coffee. There's no right or wrong in whichever method or recipe you choose, everyone can find the best coffee making method for their taste buds .
The big highlight of this event is the Taiwan coffee beans provided by The Formosa Coffee. I still remember, the people sitting in the front row kept making “Wow, it smells so good.” admiration during the pour over process. Many participants are also very interested in purchasing these Taiwan coffee beens.
Therefore today, we are giving away 2 packs of Taiwan coffee beans (roasted on 9/17) to our friends in Houston. We will draw 2 lucky winners next Friday from the comment section of this post. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram so that you don’t miss the drawing time & result, as well as out future events.
Participation method:
Like this post and THSH Facebook page.
Leave a comment in this post and tell us what kind of coffee brewing method you like
Tag two friends in your comment
▷ THSH IG:https://www.instagram.com/houstontaiwanese
▷ DUO Coffee & Pilates:https://www.duohouston.com
▷ The Formosa Coffee:https://www.theformosacoffee.com
Event : https://fb.me/e/O8VEzvsQ
Come join the Taiwan Heritage Society of Houston (THSH) and DUO Coffee & Pilates to enjoy the coffee beans from Taiwan!
In this workshop, we will learn the history of coffee drinks as well as how to analyze coffee flavors. We are honored to collaborate with The Formosa Coffee, a New York based, Taiwanese-American owned roastery who source beans from the high mountains of Taiwan's Yunlin County. Participants of this event will enjoy an exclusive coupon for shopping The Formosa Coffee's online store.
Are you ready for some Sweet, velvety smooth, and naturally processed Taiwan coffee?
來喝台灣咖啡!台灣人傳統基金會這次和DUO合作,在休士頓舉辦我們第一次的咖啡課 。
課程中,你會學到咖啡的歷史,以及如和品嚐不同的咖啡風味。我們這次很榮幸,得到The Formosa Coffee贊助的台灣咖啡豆。他們是紐約起家、由台美人經營的咖啡店,進口、烘焙來自台灣雲林高山的咖啡豆。來參加這次活動的朋友,還可以獨家享有Formosa Coffee的線上折扣碼!
感謝 DUO Coffee & Pilates 的老闆Marcus熱情授課。活動中,我們認識了咖啡的歷史和風味的來源,也學習到不同手沖咖啡的方式:溫度、顆粒大小、沖泡時間、水的分量,對咖啡口味造成的影響。泡咖啡沒有標準答案,每個人都能找到對自己味的沖泡方式
這次咖啡課的最大亮點,就是由 The Formosa Coffee 提供的台灣咖啡豆。我還記得,沖泡過程中坐在前面的朋友一直發出「哇,也太香了吧」的讚嘆!大家也對如何購買台灣咖啡豆很感興趣。
▷ THSH IG:https://www.instagram.com/houstontaiwanese
▷ DUO Coffee & Pilates:https://www.duohouston.com
▷ The Formosa Coffee:https://www.theformosacoffee.com
We really appreciate everyone's participation in our Taiwan Coffee Tasting class. It's amazing to see all the tickets sold out for our first coffee event . Looks like Taiwan coffee is hard to resist!
Special thanks to Marcus, the owner of DUO Coffee & Pilates, who taught the class with such enthusiasm. In the class, we learned the history and flavor sources of coffee, as well as how different factors (temperature, grind size, extraction time, and water ratio) affect the flavor of coffee. There's no right or wrong in whichever method or recipe you choose, everyone can find the best coffee making method for their taste buds .
The big highlight of this event is the Taiwan coffee beans provided by The Formosa Coffee. I still remember, the people sitting in the front row kept making “Wow, it smells so good.” admiration during the pour over process. Many participants are also very interested in purchasing these Taiwan coffee beens.
Therefore today, we are giving away 2 packs of Taiwan coffee beans (roasted on 9/17) to our friends in Houston. We will draw 2 lucky winners next Friday from the comment section of this post. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram so that you don’t miss the drawing time & result, as well as out future events.
Participation method:
Like this post and THSH Facebook page.
Leave a comment in this post and tell us what kind of coffee brewing method you like
Tag two friends in your comment
▷ THSH IG:https://www.instagram.com/houstontaiwanese
▷ DUO Coffee & Pilates:https://www.duohouston.com
▷ The Formosa Coffee:https://www.theformosacoffee.com
Tâi Bí Jîn: Taiwanese, American, and everything in between
Tâi Bí Jîn, means Taiwanese American. We are simultaneously Taiwanese and American. A blend of two cultures with varying degrees of identification with each identity. “Being yourself” is already a hard enough task for most people. For Taiwanese Americans it is doubly so. We occupy an “in between” realm where the struggle for diplomatic and cultural recognition makes “being yourself” especially difficult. Aside from contributing our part to the American Dream and cultural melting pot ideals, how do we confront and navigate the day-to-day racism and seeming ambiguity of our nature? We invite 3 Taiwanese Americans here in Houston to share their stories. Come with us on a journey where we explore the diversity of the Taiwanese American identity.
Event Recordings
Event Recordings
THSH Webinar: 台語的聲調
時間: 5月22日(星期六), 2:00 PM
主講人: 顏琇莉 (Shirley Fang) 標題: 台語的聲調 演講連結: http://www.houston-taiwanese.org/THSH-webinar 介紹: 這幾年台語又夯起來! 咱攏聽有台語,你敢有聽到聲調變化? 咱攏會曉講台語,你敢知影是安怎變? 若是不識台語,嘛歡迎來聽聽這個多樣的、優雅的語言變化。 |
THSH Webinar: What is MBC2.0 all about?
時間: 4月3日(星期六), 2:00 PM
主講人: 雲笙居士 標題: What is MBC2.0 all about? 演講連結: http://www.houston-taiwanese.org/THSH-webinar 介紹: 雲笙居士,本名溫碧謙,高雄醫學院畢業,曾任職愛荷華大學,邁阿密大學,及兼職交通大學,原本是腫瘤科醫師,2010 推出 MBC 養生功法 (心-身-氣 功),歷經十年後,推出了 MBC 2.0(進化版),原本秉持的初衷:上醫醫未病的精神,深知“預防總是勝於治療”。因此,如何預防失能?失智?是一個重要的課題,是否有一套功法能兼顧諸多年長後所需的各個運動養生元素,這也是推出 MBC 2.0(進化版)的原因, 歡迎大家一起來討論,共襄盛舉。 此 Youtube 影片是 MBC 2.0 的實作,從第一式的“揉身”到最後一式的“天浴” ,大概 35 分鐘,在新竹和西雅圖兩地已正式教學過,很多學友每天都會按 Youtube 的指令,一起做。歡迎基金會的同鄉們試做此養生動作,可幫助更了解4月3日演講內容,謝謝! |
Asia Society Special Event 科技 & 社會創新: 與台灣數位政委唐鳳之對話
時間: 3月25日(星期四), 7:00pm, Q&A 7:40pm
主講人: Audrey Tang, 唐鳳政務委員 方式:亞洲協會(Asia Society)線上座談 標題: 科技 & 社會創新: 與台灣數位政委唐鳳之對話 報名連結: https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1938568/1805944/ Youtube直播連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilKgrCJw3Pk FB直播連結: https://www.facebook.com/asiasocietytexas/live_videos/ 介紹: 台灣人傳統基金會與亞洲協會(Asia Society)合作,很高興邀請到我們"天才IT大臣"之稱的唐鳳政委在亞洲協會線上座談,和大家分享如何用數位科技協助台灣成功防疫。以台灣經驗,讓大家更能應對下一疫情或全球危機。在會中並開放Q & A,歡迎大家踴躍參加。 Thursday, March 25, 2021 7 p.m. Moderated Discussion 7:40 p.m. Audience Q&A — Questions welcome via YouTube Live or Facebook Live As countries around the world struggle to handle the coronavirus pandemic, Taiwan stands out as a relative success story with low numbers of locally transmitted cases and only seven deaths in the entire country. One year into the outbreak, Taiwan has fewer than 900 officially confirmed cases, of which a vast majority were imported rather than domestic. A key figure in Taiwan's response, digital minister Audrey Tang attributes the country's success in combating the pandemic to the creative use of technology, social innovation, and cooperation throughout the society. Sign up for a reminder: https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1938568/1805944/ Youtube Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilKgrCJw3Pk FB Live: https://www.facebook.com/asiasocietytexas/live_videos/ |
THSH Webinar: 關節炎等筋肉疾病的疼痛與困擾及治療,預防,與伸展運動
時間: 3月6日(星期六), 2:00 PM
主講人: Kevin Lyu, M.D. 呂汶錫醫師 標題: 關節炎等筋肉疾病的疼痛與困擾及治療,預防,與伸展運動 演講連結: http://www.houston-taiwanese.org/THSH-webinar 介紹: 呂汶錫醫師是一名美國認證的運動醫學及家庭醫學科醫生. 他專精於頸椎, 肩膀, 手肘, 手腕, 臀, 膝, 腳踝等各部肌肉骨骼類疾病. 他專精於非手術類處理來治癒病患. 呂醫師也專精於非骨科類運動傷害, 例如腦震盪. 運動醫學介紹: 什麼是運動醫學? 運動醫學科為骨科一環, 專注於預防以及治療運動及非運動類傷害及疾病. 這包含了跟關節, 肌肉, 骨骼, 以及非肌肉骨骼類問題, 例如腦震盪, 營養不良, 高山症, 以及其他許多疾病. 什麼是運動醫學科醫生? 運動醫學科是美國的一門次專科訓練. 此科醫師來自於許多領域, 例如家醫, 內, 急診, 兒, 以及復健科. 如骨科一樣運動醫學科醫師皆專精於肌肉骨骼類疾病, 並以非開刀的方式治療.大多數的運動醫學科醫生往往擔任高中及大學甚至職業球隊上的隊醫. 誰該看運動醫學科醫生? 無論您是否是運動員, 有運動習慣或是想運動的人, 運動醫學科醫生是您最佳的選擇. 運動醫學科醫生也可以處理非運動類疾病, 例如退化性關節炎. 勞工保險也是許多運動醫學科醫生專精的一環. |
以下Youtube連結為當天線上演講的內容 : https://youtu.be/SkpkYwm0TyE
以下Youtube連結為當天線上演講的內容 : https://youtu.be/SkpkYwm0TyE
影片內容章節如下 :
呂醫師資訊: Kevin Lyu (M.D.)
預約門診: (713)383-5390 or [email protected]
網站: http://www.drkevinlyu.com/
此影片只提供教育意義, 並不能替代診斷治療, 如有身體不適請務必就醫. 請在YouTube,臉書,推特,及Instagram追蹤/訂閱
- 自我介紹: 運動醫學醫師
- 非開刀治療, 專為年長者訂製治療方案的醫生 (類固醇, 玻尿酸, 血小板, 幹細胞針劑治療介紹)
- 脖子痛
- 肌肉拉傷 vs 頸椎關節退化
- 旋轉肌筋膜撕裂傷 - 肩關節退化性關節炎 vs 五十肩 - 手肘痛
- 網球肘 (不需要打網球也能造成) - 拇指腕掌退化性關節炎
- 下背痛
- 肌肉拉傷 vs 脊椎關節退化 vs 薦骼關節疼痛症候群
- 臀部痛
- 臀關節退化性關節炎 vs 轉子滑囊炎
- 膝蓋關節退化性關節炎
- 腳底筋膜炎
呂醫師資訊: Kevin Lyu (M.D.)
預約門診: (713)383-5390 or [email protected]
網站: http://www.drkevinlyu.com/
此影片只提供教育意義, 並不能替代診斷治療, 如有身體不適請務必就醫. 請在YouTube,臉書,推特,及Instagram追蹤/訂閱
THSH Webinar: 烹飪教室
方式:Webinar 會議連結:http://www.houston-taiwanese.org/2021-01-09-webinar 内容:一月的Webinar 訂在1/9 下午2點請到劉秀綾女士(Shirley Wu)來教我們幾道可口的菜餚 主講人: Shirley Wu,全職Realtor,現已退休五年。愛旅遊、攝影、唱歌、跳舞。閒來有空,喜歡下廚做台式料理祭自己與家人的五臓廟。現在被疫情関在家裡,廚房更是她打發時間玩遊戲的空間,希望大家一起來互動。 烹飪項目:琵琶豆腐、草仔粿、涼拌木耳 |
我們的活動已於1/9圓滿結束, 詳細的食譜請參考以下檔案: