Day Trip Rules
(一) 一日遊每人每次費用$17,包括$5 報名費(非會員$15)和$12 的午餐費,其他費用如門票等等另行收費參加者必須是基金會會員且依時間日期註冊繳費。
(二) 報名截止日是出遊前的第十天,只有那些交了全數費用/填寫保險單者才算報名,否則將由後補者遞補參加。
(三) 報名截止日後,恕不退費。
(四) 基於保險政策的關係,報名參加者不得私下轉讓。
(五) 任何參加者若因故需遲到幾分,一定要打電話告知。無故遲到或是報名後沒有來參加超過2次者,不鼓勵您參加一日遊。
(六) 請於一日遊當天依集合時間到達活動中心報到簽名,上車前請上廁所,上車後請認看厝邊頭尾,以確認下車再上車後所有團員都有回車上。
(七) 開車前請繫安全帶,下車時也請將安全帶在空位上扣好。
(八) Harris County規定車上不允許飲食,故請勿帶無封閉的瓶或杯上車。
(九) 在車上請輕聲細談,請勿與司機交談。
(十) 下車請必確認上車時間,請準時回車上。
- For THSH members, the fee is $5.00. For non-members, is $15.00. Lunch fee is $12. They all must pay in advance for registration.
- All trip should include the registration fee as mentioned above, plus the lunch and visiting place admission fee, if applicable.
- All fee must be paid in full before the deadline. Partial payment is not qualifying for the trip. Other people pay in full may replace him (or her).
- The registration deadline is ten days before departure. After this date, the fee is non-refundable.
- Due to insurance policy, no one is allowed to change the name or seat not on the original registration form. This name list is same one as the driver has.
- If the visiting place has special rules, please read before registration.
- Remind them wear soft shoes, hat, and bring water. Do not bring their own food on the bus.
- Also remind them don’t forget bring their medications if they have.
- For some reason if can’t boarding on time, you must call in to inform the leader. If late more than ten minutes, the driver will not wait and all the fee must be forfeit.
- Go to restroom before bus leave
- Make sure they take your medicines if they have to.
- No food on the bus. We must keep the bus clean.
- Be sure fasten the seat belt
- No moving on the bus.
- Keep the voice lower while talking. Can’t bother other people.
- No singing. Let the driver concentrate on driving.
- Safety is our first concern. Follow the driver’s instructions. Don’t argue with the driver or the group leader.
- When get off the bus, please watch the step and also watch out other people crossing the street or parking lot.
- Make sure everyone is safely go inside the building.
- During lunch time, everyone goes into the same restaurant and order their own food. If they don’t like the food, they still need to buy something from the restaurant because we use their restroom. We don’t want the restaurant look down on us.
- After lunch, make sure everyone cleaning the table and all return to the bus.
- Follow the visiting place’s rules.
- Before get off the bus, everyone must clean their seat and don’t forget their belongs
- Putting the seatbelt back to the original position
- Any one violates the rules mentioned above, the first time will get written warning.
- Second time will be ground one trip.
- Any one come late, either before start the trip or during the trip stop. Or, never show up after registration for two (2) times, will not welcome to join the trip.
- Third time will be determinate the privilege of attending the bus.
(一) 一日遊每人每次費用$17,包括$5 報名費(非會員$15)和$12 的午餐費,其他費用如門票等等另行收費參加者必須是基金會會員且依時間日期註冊繳費。
(二) 報名截止日是出遊前的第十天,只有那些交了全數費用/填寫保險單者才算報名,否則將由後補者遞補參加。
(三) 報名截止日後,恕不退費。
(四) 基於保險政策的關係,報名參加者不得私下轉讓。
(五) 任何參加者若因故需遲到幾分,一定要打電話告知。無故遲到或是報名後沒有來參加超過2次者,不鼓勵您參加一日遊。
(六) 請於一日遊當天依集合時間到達活動中心報到簽名,上車前請上廁所,上車後請認看厝邊頭尾,以確認下車再上車後所有團員都有回車上。
(七) 開車前請繫安全帶,下車時也請將安全帶在空位上扣好。
(八) Harris County規定車上不允許飲食,故請勿帶無封閉的瓶或杯上車。
(九) 在車上請輕聲細談,請勿與司機交談。
(十) 下車請必確認上車時間,請準時回車上。